Evan M. Rosen
Uber and Lyft are game changers or “industry disruptors.” Thanks to them, taxicabs are gone. But Uber and Lyft didn’t stop there. In addition to transportation, they even offer courier and delivery services—for just about everything. But their drivers can and do cause harm. So, for that and other reasons, Florida created section 627.748, creating special requirements for “transportation network companies” (TNC).
Among other things, this statute created provisions that address whether these drivers are “common carriers” or “contract carriers.” It also mandated that the companies designate and maintain an agent for service of process within the state. Under subsection 627.748(4), before a fare is collected from a rider, the TNC must disclose the amount of the fare or the way it is calculated. Under 627.748(5), the software “must display a photograph of the TNC driver and the license plate number of the TNC vehicle used for providing the prearranged ride before the rider enters the TNC driver’s vehicle.”
There’s more but the most important issue—for purposes of personal injury protection and seeking justice if you been injured as a result of an accident with an Uber or Lyft driver—is the insurance requirements.
Under section 627.748(7), Florida Statutes, the driver or the company, on behalf of the driver must maintain certain minimum insurance. When the driver is logged into the network but not currently engaged with a customer in a prearranged ride, they must have:
While the driver is engaged in a ride, they must have:
Section 627.748(10) implements a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy.
Subsection twelve requires local and national background check, and mandates that these companies cannot authorize drivers who:
Under section 627.748(13), a driver may not accept rides for money for anyone other than riders arranged through the system, and they cannot accept or solicit people hailing a ride from the street.
And lastly, under subsection eighteen, these companies cannot be held liable for harm to persons or property which results or arises out of the use, operation, or possession of a motor vehicle operating while the driver is logged on to the network if:
If you or anyone you know needs a lawyer to help seek justice in a motor vehicle accident involving Uber or Lyft, please call us at 754-400-5150 or contact us online. Let the Law Offices of Evan M. Rosen serve you!