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Law Offices of Evan M. Rosen, P.A. Helps Another Client Obtain a Substantial Principal Reduction (101%) on Eve of Foreclosure Trial!
A 101% Principle Reduction!
After a little over a year in litigation, we are proud to announce that we have been successful in helping yet another client obtain a principal reduction. While they are rare, they most certainly can and do happen!
Our client came to us with a simple goal, a fair and sustainable loan modification. The property in this particular case, according to the county property appraiser, is currently valued at approximately $38,000. Unfortunately, like most of the deeply underwater homes in Florida, the outstanding balance of the loan @ $197,000 was substantially higher than the value of the property. During the course of litigation in this case, we put the Plaintiff to task to prove their case. We regularly work 12-14 hour days, 6-7 days per week uncovering foreclosures that are more often than not, chocked full of questionable, suspicious, or outright fabricated documents.
Eventually, in this case, like numerous others, we received a settlement offer and immediately reviewed it for loopholes we commonly see. When we determined it was legit, we advised our client to come in so he could sign and celebrate a great principal reduction. As you’ll see below, this one includes a reduction by more than 100% of the principal balance!
From the agreement:

(Click to enlarge)
The gigantic difference between what is owed on a family’s home as compared to the current fair market value remains under-reported in the media. Millions of citizens remain trapped in unsustainable, inflated home loans for amounts which far exceed the value of the property. For most hard working Floridians receiving salaries which are not a reasonable wage for an honest and hard day’s work, saving and working their way out is just not feasible.
To make matters worse, despite the fact that there are hundreds of foreclosure cases being tried every day just in South Florida alone, we have law makers in Tallahassee, right now, trying very hard to pass a law that allows the government to give banks more power in foreclosure actions against the people. We have an attorney general that fired the two assistant attorneys general who initiated the first state run investigations into the widespread use of illegally fabricated documents being filed in our courts. We have the Florida Bar which hired a lobbyist to push through a foreclosure bill that disregards our due process rights while making it easier than ever for banks to take away property. (This is the same Florida Bar which to date has not disbarred a single foreclosure mill lawyer despite admissions and substantial evidence of wrong doing.)
So with all of this against you, let this post and the great result it’s touting serve to give you hope. There are options. There can be a way out of your financial troubles but you need to take action! Call us to find out about our experienced and dedicated legal professionals, what we will do to serve you, and about our background, training and experience in prior similar cases.
If you are in South Florida and are looking for help with debt, foreclosure, real estate or want more information about bankruptcy law, call us at (754) 400-5150 or fill out our online form for a FREE CONSULTATION. Let the lawyers and staff at the Law Offices of Evan M. Rosen serve you!
We are a debt relief agency. In addition to other legal services, we help clients file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.